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  • Writer's pictureMallory McCoy

Vision Boards=Powerful!

Updated: Jun 26

Habakkuk 2:2-3 English Standard Version 2016 (ESV)

And the LORD answered me: “Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it. For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end—it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay.

If you’re looking for a way to keep to your goals for the upcoming year, you should create a vision board.

What is a vision board?

Exactly what it sounds like: a collage of pictures representing your vision for your paradigm for an intended period of time. They can be created using paper, canvas, or even an electronic form of graphic design (probably not clay tablets, as the Bible says...LOL).

I have been introduced to vision boards in different social situations, but I never made a vision board for myself until I was invited to a Vision Board Party at my friend Denisha’s house in the earliest part of 2019. As we ate and fellowshipped, we used old magazines to cut out picture representations of our vision for ourselves for the upcoming year and pasted them on the canvas we purchased.

Here is my finished project.

I had it on my nightstand to see it frequently, but I had to move it because my son kept throwing it off the table. Although I didn’t see it frequently, the simple fact that I visualized it made it effective. I didn’t set an intended timeline to complete the goals, so that’s important to do because the vision wasn’t as specific as it could be. I still have this vision board, but it resides in my closet.

(Circles=Completed/Line=Didn’t quite meet the mark)

Reflecting on it now, I see that most of my goals were met. In fact, a lot of them were able to flourish during the Pandemic, and not in 2019. When time stood still, that actually helped me shift my focus toward them.

My 2022 Vision Board

The next vision board I made for myself ended up being the game changer for the trajectory of my life. I made an electronic version using Canva at the beginning of 2022 and put it on my lock screen. Because I put it on my lock screen, I see it multiple times daily. I KNOW that’s the reason why I was so successful at accomplishing the goals I set for myself. I also set an intended timeline of one year and kept that in mind when I reflected on it.

Things started happening so fast when I did this! #POWERINMANIFESTATION

My WORDS DID create my WORLD. It was the words I was saying to myself. I adopted an authentic growth mindset and achieved all of my goals. I broke emotional and figurative chains in my life. I grew my sista friend circle and was intentional about connecting more frequently with the sista friends I cared to connect with. I progressed all the way through my portfolio for my ED.D., leaving only my dissertation to complete. I was intentional about my goals. I focused on self-care, pouring into myself. I did realize the importance of intentional breathing. My partner and I have had the deepest and most intimate conversations than ever in our 18-year relationship. I practiced aligning my energy to help balance it out. I walked a 5k and ran TWO 10k races, improving my stats in the 2nd race. It was my first time challenging myself in that way. Whenever I felt out of control, I focused on the present moment (for the most part… I can think of one major time I didn’t, but I rebounded). And I started telling my story by STARTING a blog! Celebrating my wins and looking forward to creating another one soon.

What are some steps you can take to create your own?

  1. Meditate/Pray about your present intentions. What specifically do you hope to accomplish by creating a vision board?

  2. Visualize your physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, financial, educational, career, parental, and individual goals (noting that all may not apply to you).

  3. On a piece of paper, write 3 S.M.A.R.T. goals in each category. (I took a notecard and divided it into squares).

  4. Visualize what each goal could look like in a picture collage.

  5. Choose the medium to create your vision board (an electronic version you can have on your electronic device is highly recommended).


I hope this was helpful to you. May love, light, and peace find and keep you as we move into the Gregorian calendar year of two thousand twenty-three!

Alexa, play "I Can See Clearly Now” by Jimmy Cliff!

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