I recently celebrated my 5-Year Meatless Anniversary! 🙌🏾 I identify as plant-based now, but over this course of time, I've dabbled in dairy and eggs. Our home life is plant based, but if I am out on the town, and I don’t have a direct plant-based option, I will create the most plant based option from the menu. This lifestyle does not consist of only fries and salads. Thankful for an abundance of option nowadays!
While on this journey, I receive quite a bit of public and private corrrespondence from others asking how they can adopt a plant-based lifestyle. They’ve been thinking about it and don’t know where to start. So, I plan to use this platform to share about the plant-based food I eat in Kansas City and beyond. It's becoming easier, and I want to help others realize it.
I started this lifestyle by going cold-turkey. I DON'T recommend that because my body had a carnivorous withdrawal. I was literally craving blood (even though my food was never bloody). I felt like I was withdrawing from an addiction. Literally and figuratively. Also, my stomach had to shrink. Meateaters' stomachs are stretched out to the max. The human body takes a long time to process meat. It's easier to see in a chart:

For me, it took about 2-3 weeks to move past this phase. My stomach started shrinking, the cravings started to go away (I starved and killed parasites in my belly), and I started defecating more regularly. In turn, I experienced more energy! Symptoms of my health ailments started to diminish. Swelling in my face and neck diminished. I started
I will never say it wasn't difficult. In fact, I made every excuse as to why I couldn't do it. But my body was hurting. Now,
I used to cramp so bad when my cycle arrived; now, I don't know when it arrives unless I track it. My husband and son are plant-based (RII has regretably had two little pieces of meat in his whole entire life), and we all are thriving and shining!
Even though I'm still on my journey, I feel free. I'm great right now, but I'm getting better. 🙌🏾
Alexa, play "Lose You to Love Me" by Selena Gomez